
Introducing ashra

Introducing ashra

Hey there! I wanted to share ashra, a tool we built to help developers extract structured data from websites using AI.

Why We Built This

We originally created ashra for our own internal needs. We needed a reliable way to:

  • Qualify self-serve signups
  • Prioritize demo requests
  • Verify domain authority
  • Spot suspicious fake account signups

Crawling websites for this information was always a pain. Traditional web scraping tools would break when websites changed, and maintaining scrapers took too much time.

With the rise of LLMs, we saw an opportunity to build something better for these various information extraction needs.

The Problem with Existing Solutions

We tried many existing tools, but each had issues:

  • Some were way too expensive for regular developer use
  • Others weren't built with developers in mind
  • Many required complex setup processes
  • And most were difficult to deploy and maintain

Our Approach

We built ashra first for ourselves, focusing on what we actually needed:

  • Fast and reliable extraction
  • Structured output in exactly the format we wanted
  • Simple API that just works
  • Reasonable pricing

Since we're scratching our own itch here, we're building what we know works. We're not speculating about what developers might need - we know exactly what's useful because we use it daily.

What Makes ashra Different

  • Built by developers for developers: We're solving real problems we face
  • Simple but powerful: Define what you want extracted and get structured data back
  • Practical pricing: Designed to be affordable for production use
  • Continuous improvement: Since we rely on it, we keep making it better

Getting Started

Trying ashra is easy:

  1. Grab an API key
  2. Install the SDK
  3. Start extracting structured data with a single function call

We hope ashra helps solve your web data extraction challenges like it has for us!

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